18 December 2009

Christmas BBQ

Quite a crowd at the shed for The Entrance Men's Shed Christmas BBQ. Lots of familiar faces and well attended by partners, children and grandkids.

Even the rain couldn't keep shedders away and the banquet table was overflowing with food. The kids enjoyed the lolly bags and iceblocks. Adults were all keen to win one of those donated prizes that Pelican Pete was raffling off toward the end of festivities.

A good way to end out the year !!!

A Safe & Merry Chistmas to all shedders !!

See you all back at the shed Monday 11th January 2010.

11 December 2009

extraordinary chopping boad

Michael was keen to make chopping board for his mum. He enlisted the assistance of Bob and together they have cut & dressed the timber, glued & clamped the components and turned the edge and polised the final product on the lathe.


TEMS committee

Following the The Entrance Men's Shed Inc committee meeting at 9 am on 11 December 2009 the current committee is as below...

Robert Ihlein President
Robin Eschbank V.President
Geoff Dunn Treasurer
Allan Kember Secretary
Michael Matus Committee
Peter Collins Committee
Peter Whitehead Committee

10 December 2009

Christmas BBQ

Members & friends of The Entrance Men's Shed

you are invited to

The Entrance Mens Shed

Christmas BBQ

12 Noon

Friday, 18 December 2008

Sausages and cold drinks provided.

RSVP to Kim Hopkins by email or phone to 0414 855 943

07 December 2009

Australian Hearing

Australian Hearing dropped in today to test the hearing on five of the men in The Entrance Men's Shed. A couple of our chaps were referred on to their testing centre in The Entrance.

Keep wearing those earmuffs guys we dont want more damage to the ears in later years.

Howard undergoes testing at the shed.

If you missed out let the coordinator know and another testing day will be arranged for 2010.